New builds:
You will require an SBEM, SAP & EPCs calculation(s) at both the design and post construction stage(s) of a development to demonstrate compliance with Part L1A and Part L2A of the Building Regulations.
The Building Control Officer will request a copy of the Part L compliance documents at each stage to confirm the carbon dioxide emission targets as set by the Building Regulations are in line with the design stage targets.
Existing buildings:
You will require compliance with the Building Regulations Part L2A and Part L2B and utilise Rd-SAP and/or SBEM. As per the new-build calculations, the Building Control Officer will request a copy of the compliance printouts to demonstrate Part L compliance.
Our full understanding of building-design and extensive experience in relation to the inner workings of SBEM and SAP, means we can deliver compliant calculations, and in particular offer added value for developers.
If you construct, sell or rent out a non-domestic building then you are required by law to produce an Energy Performance Certificate [EPC]. With regards the construction of new-build property the EPC will be requested during the handover phase by the Building Control Officer; for conveyancing purposes a solicitor will normally a request a copy for inclusion in the conveyancing pack, and for renting purposes an Estate Agent will request a copy on behalf of the prospective tenant.
EPCs are generated using the same software package that is used to complete the Part L calculations. Therefore, once the calculations for Part L2A and/or Part L2B are complete the EPC can be generated at the same time. A copy of the EPC must be lodged on the Landmark Central Register, and these are available for anyone to download free of charge at any time.
See for details.
If you construct, sell, or rent out domestic dwellings then you are required by law to produce an Energy Performance Certificate [EPC]. With regards the construction of new-build dwellings the EPC will be requested during the handover phase by the Building Control Officer; for conveyancing purposes a solicitor will normally a request a copy for inclusion in the home information pack, and for renting purposes an Estate Agent will request a copy on behalf of the prospective tenant.
EPCs are generated using the same software package that is used to complete the Part L calculations. Therefore, once the calculations Part L1A and/or Part L1B are complete the EPC can be generated at the same time. A copy of the EPC must be lodged on the Landmark Central Register, and these are available for anyone to download free of charge at any time.
See for details.
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TWC Consulting are sustainability consultants delivering value through strategic balance. Finding effective and sustainable ways of reducing CO2.
Call: 01513451522
Address: Suite 6, 1st Floor,
Aintree Building,
Merseyside, L9 5AQ.
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